The average longevity in higher economically developed countries is now around 80 years. It seems like a really long time but I know that really, this time will go very quickly and that life is just too short! I like this age however; I feel that living much older than 80 just brings health problems, pain and a burden to your loved ones. Don’t you agree?

I’ve been looking up the oldest people recorded to have lived. There are only a few right at the top as only ten are shown, but I can tell you, they are all over 11o years. One woman lived to 122 years; This is the eldest of all the elders. Her name was Jeanne Calment and she was a French woman, living from 1875 to 1997 in Arles, France. 122 years! Now that seems like rather a long time to be alive for doesn’t it. But what I can’t get around is how weird must it have been for Jeanne and all of the other elders to watch the time pass. To live through some of the 1800’s and the  1900’s would’ve been an amazing life, even to the see the technology world we now live in. Besse Coopers is currently the oldest woman alive at the moment at the ago of just of 115 (1896-present); She’s from the US.
I know for sure that I do not want to live for that long, but I do just want to live it to the full and be as happy as possible. Absolute best of luck to the elders of the world – I know that they can’t all be recorded, but either way those that have been, well done and keep it up!